Acupuncture for Acute Injuries
Have you noticed that when you sprain an ankle it can get not only swollen, but red and hot? That initial inflammation helps keep the joint less mobile for better healing, but also has a tendency to sometimes linger beyond what's needed. Old injuries can still feel warm to the touch--lingering, deep inflammation--or even, conversely, cold if circulation is impaired.
I love the opportunity to treat an injury right after it happens, because not only can I often get the swelling and pain significantly reduced, but the chance of lingering pain is massively reduced. And knowing how the healing process works helps me better treat injuries that have become chronic--even if they've been present for decades.
Do you have a sore lower back that's icy to the touch? Or a knee that gets hot and acts up any time you run? I'd love to help bring it back to a healthy state--call or text 520-609-8488, or schedule at the link in above!