Acupuncture works by helping your body heal itself. It stimulates internal resources—whether one considers them as Qi or endorphins, immune system enhancers, or hormones—to help get more out of your natural healing process. Because of the vagaries of life and lifestyle, we don’t always use one hundred percent of our strength or intelligence (nor do we use one hundred percent of our healing capacity) but acupuncture can help you get closer to your full potential.
In that, acupuncture can treat conditions ranging from orthopedic pain to digestive issues to allergies to headaches, all by using needles as slender as individual hairs, inserted gently into the right points, at the right time. Both root causes and and the symptoms causing you discomfort in the moment of treatment will be assessed and brought into balance.
Acupuncture is a 2000 year old practice of medicine that is also recognized by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the World Health Organization (WHO) as an effective treatment for a variety of health conditions, and is the chief modality used in Traditional East Asian Medicine.
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